Thursday, September 29, 2011

Gaining Perspective

I'm looking through my life. Being able to reflect on where you've been and where you're going tends to lead you to either be grateful or to be thankless. Such an immense mistake that people make is to lean towards the latter. I really love to look through the tidbits of life that people share glowing off of my computer screen. I can't help but smile. I have never felt more in tune with what is happening. The cigar in my mouth, the music in my ears, the streaks of lightning overhead, all bleed together in a melting pot of bliss. There is no bad thing here. There is no way to even feign discontentment. Invert things for just a moment and even then I can smile. It only means there is more for me to do. There is so much more to accomplish. Being content with where you are only means that you need to challenge yourself to become something more. Complacency creates the realization that things can be better. That doesn't mean you can't love every second of the process. Occasionally, you need to tally up what you have and how you can get the most out of it. Chances are, you aren't. Go out. Get it. That is all.

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