Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Great Misdirect (What If...? Vol. 2)

"Close one eye, step to the side..."

Take it all in and let it wash over you. Feel the air rushing to aid your aching heart. It will be over soon. Don't you worry, it will be over soon. 

Shift your perspective ever so slightly. Things just look different from here. Maybe you can use your newfound freedom here. Maybe you've just been looking at things incorrectly.

Such a perverse and malicious discrepancy her words become. Just step to the side. Let her words soar past you. Don't listen! Don't take it in!

What if things went the way you wanted? Would you truly be at peace? Shift your perspective. This could be a blessing.

What if you were sent to the right place at the right time? Is that such a bizarre thought? What if you belong here?

What if this is supposed to happen?

Her words exist to obfuscate everything in their path. You were not an exception. No one is an exception. Except for, maybe just maybe, this child.

Oh! What an encouraging thought that could be!

Close one eye, step to the side. You will see where you went wrong. You will always be part of this great misdirect.

You can embrace this or let it kill you! You have to be strong! There is SO much at stake!

But for now breathe...just breathe. Sit back and let the air wash over you. Let its cool calm your emotionally weary nerves. Rest now. 

:::::Listen to Mirrors and Obfuscation by Between the Buried and Me:::::

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