Monday, July 18, 2011

Somber Irony

Harsh words dipped in halfway-completed thoughts. Something flashes. Those flashes haunt your existence. They are my entertainment. Something’s wrong here. Something’s very wrong. Do I need to be fixed? They’re my words after all. Your somberness is understood. Your remorse, unfortunately, is in vain. You’ve spent so much to gain so little. My words are not worth your life. My words are not worth their lives. Your haunted existence is only good for entertaining mine. How dare you make me feel remorse for my lack of compromise! Why the hell should I feel bad for your poor choices? I probably shouldn’t. But here I am, feeling like a may throw up. The room spins with intense reality. And just like that, you’re gone. Yeah, real polite! Come over here, turn my thoughts on themselves and just leave. Fuck you! And here I am……

……feeling terrible.

:::::Listen to “Fix Me” by Emery and “Drive My Soul” by Lights:::::

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